India is synonymous with outsourcing. The offshore development center (ODC) concept is a winner and continues to drive immense value for onsite customers, primarily, in terms of bringing down operational costs and provisioning highly-talented and scalable teams for the varying IT business needs.
At Gaian, we believe in providing high-quality IT services to our clients (IT Product companies) while understanding that an offshore development center (ODC) is not just a temporary extension of the onsite team, but, a team that is fully-integrated with the onsite team, which can–in a near future–become self-sufficient and be ready to be transferred to the client as a fully-operational office in India. The following is a typical offshore development model from setup to transfer:
Gaian’s offshore development centers imbibe client’s company culture and operate as a highly-cohesive team delivering timely IT products and services. Additionally, we form offshore development centers with the clear mindset of ensuring that the center transforms into a transferable development center. That is, the entire offshore development operations are transferred to the client enabling them to start their own office in India.
Therefore, while we (Gaian Consultants) deliver high-quality projects, we also ensure that you get complete support with respect to building a offshore team, operating projects based on company style and standards, and finally, leasing and transferring the entire offshore operations that you can independently run as your office in India.
Make your best business decision now by choosing Gaian ODC to fulfill all your outsourcing needs and expand your development bandwidth to transform your fixed costs to variables with an effective ODC model.
Contact our dedicated teams of technology and management experts who will give a whole new edge to your offshore project through our retain and grow strategy.
Reach Us
USA Office
Suite 149, 2635 N 1st St, San Jose, CA, United States
Phone: +1 (310) 844 7692