Virtual and Augmented Reality Solutions for Manufacturing - San Francisco - Industrial Tools & Equipment, San Francisco - 2962697


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Virtual and Augmented Reality Solutions for Manufacturing - Industrial Tools & Equipment

Ref. number: 2962697 Updated: 02-06-2021 13:11

Offering: Industrial Tools & Equipment in United States, California, San Francisco

As per a report, the AR and VR market in manufacturing was valued at $1.96 billion in 2017, which is estimated to grow to $90.14 billion by 2025, at a CAGR of 61.4%. The adoption rate of augmented and virtual reality technology in the manufacturing industry is rapid and the benefits are enormous. At EDIIIE we help businesses make complete use of AR VR in quality assurance, maintenance, designing and remote assistance.

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First name: Ishaan
Last name: Singh
Phone number: 07426060606
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